Which cloud service does Shopify use?

Are you an e-commerce store owner looking for an easy-to-use website building platform? Shopify is one of the most popular platforms out there, but what kind of cloud service does Shopify use?

The answer is that Shopify uses Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS provides a suite of cloud-based services, including storage, analytics, compute power, and content delivery. This makes it a great option for e-commerce businesses who need a reliable and secure platform for their websites.

AWS is the underlying platform that makes Shopify work. Shopify is built on an AWS stack including the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). EC2 provides the computing power for Shopify to run its services, while S3 is used for storage.

Shopify also uses AWS for content delivery. Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) that helps to deliver content quickly and securely. This ensures that your customers get the best possible experience when they visit your site.

Beyond the cloud-based services, Shopify has its own software that runs on AWS. This includes the shopping cart, payment processing, and checkout process. This is what allows customers to create an account, add items to their cart, and complete the checkout process.

Overall, Shopify and AWS make a great combination. Shopify provides the user-friendly platform for you to start building your e-commerce store, while AWS provides the cloud-based services that make it all possible. You can rest assured that your store will be secure and reliable, giving your customers the best possible experience.

Now that you know which cloud service Shopify uses, you can be confident that your e-commerce store will be up and running in no time. Building an online store with Shopify is easy and efficient, and the AWS cloud services provide the necessary support to make sure your store runs smoothly.